Here we have the second theatrically released "Peanuts" film. Is it as good as the first one?
18 July 2021
"Snoopy Come Home" (1972), after the huge success of the first theatrical "Peanuts" film, "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" (1969), they had a tall order to fill with this second movie. One thing to point out right off the bat is, this film isn't a direct sequel. "Snoopy Come Home" is actually it's own standalone movie. Sometimes that works with movie franchises and sometimes it doesn't. In the case of "Peanuts", this was a brilliant move on their part, as the "Peanuts" comic strips changed and evolved as time went by. So therefore, it was only fitting that the films and shows did the exact same thing. The ending result with this movie is nothing short of perfect. Not only is "Snoopy Come Home" equally as good as "A Boy Named Charlie Brown", it's even better in some aspects. Plus, it's also tied with "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" on my top ten all-time favorite 2D animated films list! That's right, they managed to make lightning strike twice. "Snoopy Come Home" has a simple yet deep story, phenomenal voice acting, beautiful animation and a sublime soundtrack. The plot is, Snoopy and Woodstock get a letter from a girl named Lila who's currently in the hospital. So, they both set out to see her, running into several obstacles along the way. There's also a surprising twist that comes into play later on in the film that I won't reveal here. But, let me assure you, it just ups the emotional substance of the story to 11. Compared to the story in "A Boy Named Charlie Brown", the one here is deeper and more complex, which makes it all the more impactful. While it's still a comedy, it also has strong drama and emotional moments throughout that really hit home for me. For anyone out there who has a dog, or any other type of pet, the storyline will resonate even more with them. Just like in the other movie, Charles M. Schulz (the original creator of "Peanuts"), wrote the script for this film as well. Once again, he knocked it out of the park! As far as the voice acting goes, it's just as phenomenal as the first movie. The reason why, is because they have children around the same age as the "Peanuts" characters do the voices. Usually, in animated media, they have adults do kid voices. Since it's actually children doing them, it makes it all the more special and adds that much more realism. As most of you know, my personal favorite voice actor for Charlie Brown is, Peter Robbins. But, I have to say, Chad Webber did just as good a job as Peter did. The whole cast does such a fantastic job with their respectable characters! But, probably my personal favorite voice actor that I feel deserves special praise for this movie is, Linda Ercoli as Clara. Not only does she do an exceptional job with Clara's speaking voice, she's also a phenomenal singer with her musical number in the film, called "Fundamental Friend Dependability", which I'll go into more details with the music and songs in a minute. Some of the written lyrics would be a challenge for any person to sing, let alone a child! But, she nailed them all perfectly. For that reason among others, she absolutely deserves all the praise she gets for her voice work here. The crazy thing is, Clara wasn't even a major character in the original comic strips or cartoon specials. That just goes to show that the supporting, or side characters, must be just as strong as the main characters. The funny thing is, this movie, along with the other one doesn't really have an antagonist. Clara is the closest to a villain that these two films have ever gotten. The voice work in this film, along with the other one, is some of the best that I have ever heard in any animated movie. Give those kids some awards already! The animation in this film is nothing short of stellar, which is no surprise being a 2D animated film. As I've said on numerous occasions, 2D beats 3D CGI any day! Finally, the soundtrack is exceptional and it sets the perfect tone for the story. This time, Vince Guaraldi didn't compose this film score, brothers Richard and Robert Sherman did instead. For those who may not know, the Sherman Brothers are on my top ten all-time favorite movie score composers list and this soundtrack is no different. As usual, they nailed it to a tee! My top two favorite musical numbers in this film are "Fundamental Friend Dependability", sung by Clara, and "It Changes", sung by Charlie Brown. Also, the opening and ending theme are exceptional and deserve an honorable mention. But, the song that sticks with me the most is, "It Changes". I won't go into any details about it. But, it's one of the most emotional songs you will ever hear in any animated movie. It's just as beautiful as it is haunting. Whenever I hear that song, especially nowadays, it's like getting hit with a cannonball of emotions, every single time. Just thinking about that song is moving me right now, at this moment. Props to you, Sherman Brothers! "Snoopy Come Home" is an animated marvel that's every bit as good as the original "Peanuts" comic strips, TV specials and first film. I can watch it over and over again and never get tired of it! Of course, I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars on my scale, which equates to 10 out of 10 IMDB stars. To end my review of this film, let's have a moment of silence to the man who brought this great newspaper comic and cartoon to life in the first place, the one and only, Charles M. Schulz. (R. I. P.) Without this creative genius, "Peanuts" would not exist. Any way, if you haven't seen "Snoopy Come Home", go and see it today if you haven't already, I guarantee that you'll love it. If you don't, then Clara might capture you and keep you as her own pet!
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