Mixed Bag. Here's why (spoilers)
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Pluses: Wonderful atmosphere Creepy as hell Goosebumps I was engaged all the way through Take this. All this. AND get a great writer onboard the script and you've got something classic.

Minuses: Weak on story/plot. Could be a 25 minute short There is a demon/devil in the house. You've seen it. Your brother has seen it. Sheep have been slaughtered. You've seen visions of your deceased mother. Even if you shouldn't move your father...what is the alternative? ..... WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL IN THE FARMHOUSE? This makes us angry not at the people on screen but the creators. You could have found a way to leave them trapped there. A storm. A flood. Fake information about some kind of outbreak or poison gas. Whatever. But you and I would grab our father and leave IMMEDIATELY.

Brother leaves his sister and father. Illogical.

What are the rules here? Devil kills mother, brother, sheep, well, everyone, but can't kill the father?

What does the devil want? Why does the caretaker return?

You see a weird old priest at 3am in the dark saying come outside and you know it's weird. BUT at that moment when the telephone rings you both turn around and take a good long stare at it....turn back and he's gone.

How many of those 'devil is there but I'm going to turn away for a second and turn back and he's gone' scenes are there?

How many people at the door must show up before you get suspicious?

If the devil is in the house already then why is he always standing outside knocking?!?!

Exactly what must you see before your start to think there's something going on? I'm not even that religious but if I got a phone call from a dead loved one or saw them floating outside in the dark and my sister has seen weird things just like that.....guess how long I'm staying there for.....?

Nurse stabs herself in the eyes and moments later both eyes are perfectly fine.

Why the devil? Did someone call it? Was it some pact? What?

Atmosphere: 8.5 out of 10 Writing: 4 out of 10 Direction: 8 out of 10 Acting: 6.5 out of 10.
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