Review of Nurses

Nurses (2020–2021)
Canadian show, written for Americans
27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although the writers are Canadian, i'm baffled by some of the distinctly unCanadian things in it.

S1E2: A doctor says "She'll just go to another hospital and waste taxpayers' money." No Canadian would say this. The American view is that they don't want to pay for someone else's care. The Canadian view is that we all pay our taxes and thus are entitled to health care on an as-needed basis. The closest a doctor here would say is "She'll just go to another hospital and waste their time."

S1E3: Patient is told her fallopian tubes are gone, and she cries because they can't afford IVF and thus will never be parents. In Ontario, the government will pay for one IVF attempt per person. This includes harvesting eggs, cleaning sperm, in vitro fertilisation, and implantation. The drugs for those procedures are not included, and cost a few thousand dollars for that one full cycle, but it is an amount that most people could save up to afford. If extra eggs or embryos are to be stored for later use, that is done out of pocket.

S1E3: In episode 2, someone references Sunnybrook Hospital, which is a real Toronto hospital, part of the University Health Network of hospitals. In episode 3, they discuss a merger of hospitals including Sunnyvale Hospital. I'm guessing they messed up by saying Sunnybrook in the previous episode, and never went back to correct it.

S1E8: Canadian law says an NDA cannot be used to conceal a criminal act. Doing so is obstruction of justice.
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