Black Mirror: The Waldo Moment (2013)
Season 2, Episode 3
The weakest link
1 August 2021
Jamie is a mediocre comedian who lends his voice to the blue animated bear Waldo. Waldo is in the style of the "South Park" series, only at a much lower and more primitive level. During the election, the producers use Waldo to ridicule the candidates. The unexpectedly good reaction of the public leads them to put Waldo in the race. But Jamie is not material for a politician and snaps under pressure. In an attempt to destroy the campaign, he destroys his private life, while politics goes on, as if nothing had happened.

The idea is good, especially because it is not far from reality, but the realization is poor, or perhaps, a better word is lazy. Political satire is lukewarm, and human drama does not arouse any emotions, both because of the weak script and because of the unimpressive acting.

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