Clever low budget faux-documentary satire of slasher films makes the slasher the hero
3 August 2021
Clever low budget horror satire deconstructs the slasher film. A group of documentary filmmakers follow around a would be Jason/Michel Meyers-like killer as he plans for his reign of terror on the every-town-USA city of Glen Echo. The first two acts of the film present Vernon as a likable dreamer wanting to make a name for himself. The film takes a turn in the third act when he actually carries out his maniacal plans in the best sort of slasher film manner. One very funny moments involves the appearance of Robert England (Freddy Kreuger himself!) as Doc Halloran (a nod to The Shining's Dick Halloran), playing the Captain Ahab figure of the film, much like Dr. Loomis from "Halloween," which is a lot of fun. There's also some nice stylistic flourishes when the film switches between documentary style to a more cinematic style when Vernon is describing what his reign of terror will look like, more closely approximating the slasher flicks this film is mocking. There's' also Zelda "Poltergeist" Rubinstein as Mrs. Collinwood (the name of the mansion in "Dark Shadows") and Kane "Jason" Hodder playing "Guy at Elm Street House" which is fun. Overall, this is a crack-up for horror fans and also probably a pretty good time for non-horror fans as well. If you dug "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil" you'll like "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon."
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