Review of Breeder

Breeder (2020)
Forever young (weird science)
10 August 2021
This is a tough movie to watch. You kind of know where this will go early on. But once you are there ... boy, even with this not being as explicit as it could be, it is really going to put you through the wringer. The very beautiful woman who plays the main character has issues - or rather her husband seems to have issues to please her.

It seems he is too invested in his business. More than that actually to be truthful. And she isn't alone in that. So the movie turns on its head sort of halfway through and never looks back - no pun intended. But I'm not going to split hair(s) here - well that is an intended pun. Again this is a thriller but there is a lot of hurt and a lot pain dished out ... not wanting to handle it, does not mean one thing or another. Just be aware this is not for the squeamish.
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