A Fully-Formed Creation
13 August 2021
First, a golden nugget of wisdom: "I always believed that survivors of trauma make the best counselors. Knowing the road, that's what makes a great guide. Every bit of change has a certain amount of push-back. You have to find the strength to know that you can fight it again, no matter what shape it takes."

This movie has a lot of great quotes, but I want to focus on the story.

Corrie English did an amazing job as Sam. I love the realism in this movie, as most of the characters have substance, a backstory.

As someone who has friends who've worked in call centers, and as someone who's volunteered for sort of a peer role in a similar way, this film hits home in a lot of ways.

John was an interesting character, but he wasn't explored very much in the ways of depth. He's clearly seen as an outcast with anger issues, and he hates the way people treat him. The only thing that makes him feel normal, or at peace, is talking to Sam, so he's become a repeated caller to Sam's crisis center. When he finds out through someone else that she's leaving, well... he tracks her down. What was once his place of comfort was the source of his greatest anger and rage.

Things like this happen, sometimes. It might not happen in the same way, but the story is pretty realistic in the way it represents the emotions of both the staff and the callers with certain issues.

Great film, and I especially like the narration at the end.

I'm not sure why this movie has such a low rating. I think it's great the way they implemented horror vibes to an otherwise dramatic plot of a suicide call center. The film was well done in all aspects.
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