Here's Why Operetta Died Out In The Movies
18 August 2021
Laurence Grossmith's Paris Purity League awards Frances Day their award for good works by mistake the same day Grossmith's daughter, Jean Gillie, becomes engaged to Henri Garat. They all meet at the Moulin Rouge, when Grossmith's son, Mackenzie Ward, takes Miss Day there; Grossmith is well known at that place as a sugar daddy.

It's based on Georg Okonkowski's operetta, and the director is André Berthomieu, who directed the French version almost simultaneously. It's a fluffy effort, in which most of the songs are dropped, and the extreme and distracting Art Deco set design is the main star. Miss Day is quite enchanting as a platinum blonde, leading the one big dance number. In the end, the nonsense is solved by Helen Haye, as Grossmith's wife, serenely lying her head off. It's directed for speed in order to make it amusing, and it almost works.
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