Review of Free Guy

Free Guy (2021)
22 August 2021
'Free Guy' is the kind of movie that you either like or dislike. There is nothing in between. 'Free Guy' could convince me.

Video game adaptations or movies that are about video games often have a hard time being convincing. This is often due to the fact that you can't identify with the characters or that the world created in the movie is not compatible with the one in the underlying game.

'Free Guy' is not based on a concrete game, but it uses classic video game elements and realizes them really well. You can identify with the characters unexpectedly well and it's fun to accompany them.

The movie doesn't even try to create a world that is as realistic as possible, but deliberately invokes a video game look. You know from the beginning what is going on here. The rules that prevail there are immediately understood and accepted.

Basically, you should not expect a masterpiece. The movie is fun and entertaining. The basic plot is nothing extraordinary and it is relatively quickly clear what the movie is working towards. However, the way the movie reaches its goal is really elegant and charmingly realized.

Not every gag ignites, but there are some laughs. 'Free Guy' also delivers some surprises, allusions and cameos. Taika Waititi as a counterpart was unfortunately too over the top for me. A bit more seriousness would have done his role good.

Apart from a few weaknesses, 'Free Guy' can really convince. You have to be in the mood and want to get involved with the basic topic.
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