Shoulder Arms (1918)
Not MASH, this is my favourite Army Camp Comedy. Charlie Chaplin as hysterical and glorious War Hero. Just Wow!!!
22 August 2021
Shoulder Arms (1918) : Brief Review -

Not MASH, this is my favourite Army Camp Comedy. Charlie Chaplin as hysterical and glorious War Hero. Just Wow!!! I remember watching M*A*S*H (1970) and i am very well aware with what kind of status that film has carried for years. Although, I thoroughly enjoyed that movie, I firmly disagree with the Classic tag as hailed by many movie buffs and critics. I had some issues with the film but let's not talk about here. I have already written a separate review of that film. So, Shoulder Arms is the first Army Camp comedy? Please correct me if I'm wrong. I have seen like hundreds of War films and half of them were Classics but i didn't find any film being a pure comedy. There were few entertaining war films in 20s and 30s but that was a different fun not comedy. Shoulder Arms is fully set in Army Camp and War Zone and this scenario in 1918.. Come on, we are taking Trend setting cinema now. Charlie is a boot camp private who has a dream of being a hero who goes on a daring mission behind enemy lines. It is little longer than Chaplin's contemporary shorts. The version I saw was of about 45 minutes long (on YouTube without Sound) so it was just double than other Chaplin flicks I have seen from the 1910s decade. Yes, it is funny throughout. Not just fun and gags but it also has drama, action, war scenes, heroic chapters and little bit of romance. Charlie Chaplin has carried the entire film on his shoulder and arms. The intertitles are so damn cracking, one goes like this, 'How did you capture thirteen alone?', and Chaplin answers, 'I surrounded them'.. LOL... And that sign language scene with the girl when Chaplin tries to say that he's American and shows bird's wings through hands and fingers. Damn, i bursted into laughing tears. There is more which i can't spoil here, it's better you watch it for yourself. Overall, a Bonafide Comedy for all ages.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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