Inside out
29 August 2021
The question with this movie: is the whole build up worth what it culminates to? The ending, the twist of sorts .. that you may see coming or not. Now you have to be the judge of that ultimately - I can only give you pointers and tell you my perspective on it. So for the ending to happen as it does, a lot of things have to come together that are almost .. coincidence. Certain things you can't plan ... actually hoping for or planning for something to happen the exact way it does is rather ... let's say tough.

Having said all that, the build up is quite nice and it really brings you closer to everyone. Especially our 3 main characters ... and another one we do not get or suspect from the start. The acting is good, the story is working.

There are a lot of red herrings thrown into the mix and the story seems to revolve around one thing more than ... well something completely different at first. But this mystery and the way it ... evolves is more than fine. I think a lot of the viewers will be able to guess that there is more to the story early on though. Not to mention to figure certain dynamics out.

And then there is this other element to it. You'll either embrace it - or it will completely take you out of it - "non-realistic" and all that. Suspend your disbelief is what I say to that - if you can.
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