Review of Q-Force

Q-Force (2021)
2 September 2021
You know that feeling of curiosity when a show only gets ratings on either end of the spectrum? Yeah, me too. So, I watched the first two episodes.

If you are like me: not offended by LGBTQ themes, but neither care too much then Q-Force is only a mediocre show. Just the discourse around a show is not enough to justify its existence. And this is really what Q-Force is. It's meant to either rile up or make people feel morally superior.

Underneath is a cast of OK characters that I don't see developing much depth. I chuckled at some of the jokes, like the Tracy Chapman one in the first episode. Some or many of the jokes I might have missed being not the target audience, YMMV. Story wise it's aimed at young teens I guess? Kind of flashy, fast paced but also kind of flat. Animation is good.

If you want to get riled up or instill a sense of moral superiority, then this might be for you. If you want to kick back on the couch after a long day, then go find something else with a bit more quality. It really isn't bad though, just not good either.

Q-Force will probably run for a couple more seasons if it doubles down on the social issues and then gets discarded on the pile of shows nobody remembers.
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