6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
'Mortal Kombat: A Journey Begins' is direct-to-VHS "movie" that mostly follows the events of the theatrical film's first act as an excuse to dump endless amounts of exposition in your lap, as a way to unnecessarily fill gaps in the film's lore. The feature is mostly 2D animated with a quality no worse than what you would get on cable at the time, just with worse audio mixing and blurred/missing frames to simulate slow-motion. A series of action sequences, however, is 3D CGI containing the most lifeless models I've ever seen as they stiffly slap each other like Raggedy Anne dolls. Even the crew of people who made this thought these sequences were too dull as Raidan explains everything that is happening in real-time so you don't miss anything.

It's boring and nearly unwatchable.
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