Gravitation (1999–2001)
"If only that was the punchline"
20 September 2021
Everything about this series is so exaggerated. Whether we talk about Shindo starts arguing over silly things so much that it literally turns him into a cat or a dog or eventually even makes him dumb, being unable to speak anything or how fast he starts running after the break up, leaving behind even the full speed train or the manager using Guns, rifles or grenades during the rehearsal. I know I shouldn't be surprised with that as there are many anime with such ultra exaggerated stuffs. It should however be noted that in recent Shounen ai anime, we no longer see the uke main character casually wearing crops and shorts (and that too even during the stage performance).

Yuki's backstory has been hyped since the earliest episodes. We just keep waiting for that but that intense moment almost never comes. When everything is so exaggerated, Yuki's backstory was done very subtly. Even the ending feels incomplete to certain extent.

This is probably one of the worst anime I have watched .

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If only that was the punchline.

The best thing about this anime is its humour. Though silly at times, you quickly get used to it and it keeps you entertained.

I was expecting some great songs since it's a musical anime but I like OVA songs more than the ones featured in the series. The animation definitely is outdated but the series animation turns out to be many times better than the OVA's.

It's better not to talk about the characterisation here because in so many aspects the anime feels incomplete or as if it is missing few things. Most of the characters or their circumstances too felt unresolved.
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