Giggle afoot
22 September 2021
There really isn't much to say about this one that is different from the first. It's the same humour, which is still good today, although there were also a few bits that you wouldn't get away with in the more 'Politically Correct' 2020's, just as there were in the Police Academy (1984).

Mauser was introduced as the antagonist character replacing Harris, but most of the original cast made it through to do their thing again and they did it well.

We also got our first introductions to Sweetchuck, Zed, Proctor and the Kirkland family who feature a lot more later on.

Admittedly the script is a little weaker and the story is not quite so on track, but it's easy viewing and good fun.

A typical 80's simple comedy, don't expect anything else. If you were there, it will take you back.

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