The Big Leap (2021)
Schmaltzy but charming
24 September 2021
TV's Scott Foley carries a stellar cast that includes vets like Teri Polo (Julia) and Piper Perabo (Paula) along with stars like Ser'Darius Blain (Reggie) and newcomers Raymond Cham Jr. (Justin) and Simone Recasner (Gabby).

The pilot feels like it tried to cram everything the show wanted to be in one episode--a funny yet sometimes sad yet sometimes poignant commentary on the state of the world today and how reality TV exploits the plight of the dispossessed.

But it also makes you laugh. It's characters are painted first with broad strokes, establishing familiar story arcs to immediately invest you in the story. It all seems like a product of an age where data analytics prove a show must grab your attention by x minute and x second to be successful and certain metrics must be met for a pilot to be picked up or a show renewed.

For all of that, I found myself by episode two rooting for some characters, anticipating a delicious downfall for others, and altogether wanting to see where this story led. It isn't the greatest show ever made, but after throwing it on on a whim one Thursday evening I find myself compelled to come back for more.
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