Foundation (2021– )
Another one nothing special.
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched the trailers I was not expecting much.

After watching the first 2 episodes it is what I expected and less.

Despite being written by Isaac Asimov they story and atmosphere resembles very much to today's recipe for most series and movies. I haven't read the book but as others say there is only little resemblance for an unfilmable story.

What I like: Definitely the visual effects and scenes, spaceship, star bridge, city, cool techs.

Unfortunatelly what I dislike are a lot more.

Another dark, dystopian, heavy and slow tv series. Like everything else today. Storytelling and characters are very shallow.

No time to learn enough and connect with characters and their story.

Confusing jumps from present and past 35years apart.

Casting: I don't like at all when I don't like a face especially for the main roles I won't like the whole thing. The only likeable actor is Raych.

The emperor's eyebrows... ugh.

And damn so easy predicable evil and shallow, like so many other series and movies nowdays! They all are so alike. Mindless vilains.

Engineering: Some pretty stupid ideas. While the spaceship was visual stunning having the passengers positioned in circle around main drive black hole like is mindblowing stupid!

Star Bridge: the concept of a tethered space station has been around for aroung for long time but what's the purpose of wasting so many resources building a very thick, huge and long tether from a planet to space?

Spending 14hrs travelling from space station to planet while they could just land with a spaceship for a fraction of that time.

And no time to enjoy the marvels of this sci-fi world quickly everything goes bad and good guys are exiled at least not executed.

Barely after they start their slow and long trip to outskirts of the empre another twist for worse ending.

How someone can enjoy this?

I have to admit series is spectacular from visual pespective and I want to see where the story goes but I don't have high hopes, looks pretty grim.
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