Nothing Truly Exceptional, But It Made Me a Fan of the Sport for sure.
29 September 2021
Netflix's 'Drive to Survive' may not be respected as anything remarkable per se, yet I firmly believe this should be acknowledged as an incredibly helpful entryway for all the novices as well as the devoted supporters of the sport.

As a newbie myself, I can vouch for its capability to make sure you get well familiarized with the rules and regulations. Aside from its high octane moments; you also get a slew of fascinating insights in regards to all the major teams and their set of drivers. Although the specific pattern, in which they tend to illustrate those stuff gets a little bit predictable and repetitious; but they do just enough to uphold a certain degree of urgency and suspense.

Now, there were serious allegations regarding the usage of fabrication on multiple occasions.

I don't know why Netflix has done such a shady business here. I mean, they already got exclusive access to Formula 1, spent millions for the rights to portray all those behind the scene incidents but instead, they resorted to performing some phony stints. Was it necessary? I don't think so.
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