Mediocore comedy begats run of the mill ghost story
29 September 2021
Matthew Gray Gubler plays the hipster/millennial archetype a little too on the nose, and they really overuse the cringey "aren't you gay" joke. Kat Dennings plays the sarcastic cool girl she'll be burdened with her whole career, coming off a little less insufferable than her Two Broke Girls character. Ray Wise fits into his mean dad role like a glove. The comedy is generally weak, but watchable. The ghost premise that drives the plot is ridiculously typical, the old "we need to resolve the issues of this dead girl so we can put her spirit to rest" story-line that's been done to death, but the film isn't making any attempts to be legitimately scary, so I suppose it's lack of originality in that department can be forgiven. It's all fluff really, but since it doesn't take itself too seriously, it's passable if you don't have better options.
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