Review of Lucifer

Lucifer (2016–2021)
After finishing the final 6th season, i wish it had stopped at the end of the 5th.
14 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I've loved watching Lucifer since the start. It's been mostly brilliant. However, whilst the final season had a few nice elements to it, my reoccurring thought almost throughout was that it was unnecessary & to some extent, filler. Both in way of tone & story. Far too often it just felt like the show was the embodiment of someone looking at their watch, waiting for something to be over & that was before i got to E6 & E7.

Speaking of which. Whilst having good intentions, it felt so unconnected & it's messages were told alarmingly badly that it did more harm then good. It felt so out of place because Lucifer has always done it right in the past. Subtle messages on sensitive topics have always been a part of Lucifer (virtually every episode), so doing it the way it did in S6 felt like it was not only done for shock-value, but like they felt they 'needed' to on a police show (which they didn't) or like it was just there for filler with such a lacking story. Honestly. They felt like filler episodes as they had about 3mins of over-arching story between them, which in a final season especially is even worse.

The writing... it was the worst it's ever been. I liked S5 but it wasn't exactly that strong on the writing either, but somehow S6 managed to be much worse. The ending of a show should be the most amazing, compelling part. Where everything finally builds to a creshendo. This didn't, it felt like it just kept going in circles, repeating the same story each episode just said in different ways. Even to the point where i wish it had ended with S5 & let people's imagination carry the story forward like many other great shows have done. Maybe to even go back to it in the future, whether it's by another season, a movie, a comic. Just something that has had more thought & time put into it.

Aside from a relatively weak story, the writing also felt more stupid & almost cringe-worthy at parts. Not something i blame the actors for. They're told what to say & do. For example, the emotional scenes with Dan were brilliant, then annoyingly most of the other scenes with him were odd & way too overacted, almost like an SNL sketch at times. Overall, it felt like the writers had run out of idea's for most of the side characters. Just making them disappear throughout most of the season. Again, giving me a feeling like the show was crawling over the finish line rather than jumping.

I think my biggest issue with the final season was how it treated Chloe & Lucifer. The whole show since 2014 has been about them & whilst the idea of a child storyline is great. I think they could've done something different, something that fit the tone of the show much better. Something that didn't again sacrifice the story of Chloe & Lucifer somehow. Plucking a 20ish year old daughter out of nowhere & dropping her into the final season just felt rushed. Especially in a show that hadn't rushed it characters or Chloe & Lucifer's connection. It just felt out of place.

Everyone has their own opinion but to me, after the build-up from S1 with Chloe & Lucifer's relationship, the conclusion of S5 & having the ability to imagine a far better future for Chloe & Lucifer is far more satisfying & fitting then concluding the show with them being separated for decades (in Chloe's case) & only being reunited after thousands of years in Lucifer's case & Chloe's death.

If i was to rate Lucifer as a whole it'd be a 7/10. Easily losing at least 1.5 for this season alone. For me Lucifer ends disappointingly, leaving me wishing i'd finished with the S5 finale.
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