"Passion brings its own talent"
26 October 2021
It's another of Les Blank's documentaries about modestly successful artists you've never heard about. Here, his subject is Gerry Gaxiola, a man who quit his job to become an artist. His style of painting is a bit primitive and highly influenced by Vincent van Gogh, and he admires the old B movie cowboys. He has learned to promote himself, with festivals, but remains happily and perhaps defiantly naive, taking pleasure in singing about his work humorously, dressing the part and holding competitions for best-dressed cowboy, and taking pleasure in a pair of socks he bought at a store for religious wear, bright red "Cardinal socks".

As with all of Blank's documentaries, it's filled with good humor and honest observations. I doubt it will convince you to become a collector of Gaxiola's art, but it does make me admire his attitude towards art and life.
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