Terror Birds (2016)
Is Heath Allyn related to an Estevez?
26 October 2021
Terror Birds is one of those made for SyFy CG creature-fests which I don't actually remember being on that channel. If it had been I surely would have watched it. I had to buy a import DVD to see it because apparently it's too mediocre to release here. It is mediocre compared to many of these kind of films though superior to most recent Asylum stuff. The CG of the giant prehistoric birds known as Phorushacids is decent. There's a fair amount of mostly CG gore including eviscerations, decapitations and a highlight of a head getting cracked open on the top and then the bare skull and spine being ripped out together. There's also a small amount of practical wound effects which are well done. The star is the ever reliable Greg Evigan as a somewhat-sleazy prehistoric bird breeder. The rest of the cast is decent though the girls could have been cuter and one character being a token lesbian seemed pointless, at least the cast was 100% non-diverse for a change. Heath Allyn plays one of Evigan's henchmen and looks and sounds 100% like a lost son/cousin of Joe Estevez though there doesn't appear to be any relation. The whole film is played fairly light though not to a Sharknado degree and there's some comic relief here in the form of the annoying "hot" ditsy blonde girl. Being made for TV means there's no nudity or bad language though they do find an excuse to get the girls to strip down to their underwear. The only real disappointment here is there's only two giant birds and they don't rampage through a small town or anything. A good watch for fans of Flu Birds of Kaw.
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