Not even one funny moment. Scary just because it actually got made.
27 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The idiotic character played by Matthew Gray Gubler takes stupidity to a new level, playing a college graduate who refuses to take a job unless it has him starting from the top, and the result has him being forced to move back into his parents basement. The bad news is that his parents, Barbara Niven and Raymond Wise, are just as idiotic as he is, and as it turns out, everybody in this town turns out to be idiots to.

Not one likeable person, either bigoted or just plain stupid, and even the one smart character, a Gothic looking bartender (Kat Jennings) is overloaded with cynicism and vocal fry which is a deadly combination because she's the type of character who can't stop talking, with tactless things coming out of her mouth from the start. So Gray Gubler has some sort of paranormal ability and this creates some situations that end up being more gross than funny. Cameos by veteran celebrities can't help when the script is so bad, tactless and generally unwatchable.
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