So much ignorance in the world...
31 October 2021
I guarantee the vast majority of the 1-star reviews are racist and/or a Kaepernick haters. Regardless of which "side" you fall on, the series was creative, interesting, entertaining and had great storytelling. Was it a 10? Definitely not, but I enjoyed it, and kept an open mind while watching. Is that so hard for others to do the same?

The only part that I didn't like was the comparison between the NFL Combine and slavery. Last I checked, the combine is VOLUNTARY, and an event most players are honored to be invited to, because it gives them a chance to showcase themselves and their talents, and then hopefully be drafted early and get a nice salary and signing bonus. Yes, the combine is invasive, insensitive, and has ample room for improvement, but to go as far as to say it's like slavery? That's just wrong.

But overall, it's worth a watch! UNLESS you're a bigot or racist, bc unfortunately, you'll never get past your stubbornness and hatred..
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