Brutal Viewing, But Totally Brilliant!
7 November 2021
The North Water

Totally brilliant on every level but certainly not for squeamish or sensitive watchers.

The adaptation from the novel worked through multiple themes these were:

Personal redemption through avarice

A study of a whaling vessels and its practices in the 19 century.

The dog eat dog nature of opportunity and desperation.

That intellect can be a burden because you are forced to think and you cannot ultimately escape yourself.

These multiple themes were inextricably interwoven with different elements coming to the fore and then receding, it was brilliantly paced and constructed, not a second was wasted in developing the story.

The main plot was a man joining a whaling ship following disgrace to rebuild his life, having reached, as he thought "rock bottom". We quickly learned rock bottom was several episodes away and marked by a primordial scream in the wilderness.

The acting ensemble was unbelievable, Jack O'Connell stepped up to the plate and gave a stellar performance, the whole thing rested upon his character. His theatrical training lent a minimalist, nuanced and perfectly effortless performance that belayed this skilful masterclass. Colin Farrell (nearly unrecognisable) was also incredible with a Bill Sykes rendition without the bulldog. Sam Spruell, what a talent and yet I have never seen him before.

The whaling scenes and camerawork was astounding.

Overall, whilst brutal viewing this was a tour de force of brilliance. It should sweep the awards and it a 10 outta 10 from me.
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