Review of Gilt Guilt

Gunsmoke: Gilt Guilt (1965)
Season 10, Episode 31
Never Really Finds Its Groove ("Thanks for the Wet Drunk!!")
13 November 2021
I appreciate a kinder, gentler Gunsmoke episode, but this one never coalesces into a solid, compelling drama.

As another commentator points out, the plight of Jan Clayton and son is really hard to take; the scurvy/fruits & veggies thing seems very contrived, and the sub-plot of Andrew Duggan and his mid-life crisis re: studying medicine fails to "intersect" with the Clayton story in a dramatically effective way.

Then there's the false lead of Cider/Vinegar...a big nothing in the plot..which does, however, provide one of the series' most endearing lines of dialogue, spoken by Matt to Festus re: the besotted Louie Pheeters; "Thanks for the Wet Drunk!" How's THAT for a script that's floundering mid-stream?

Milburn Stone turns in another first-rate performance, which is worth a full rating-star, I think.

QUESTION: Jan Clayton (who is very good) plays this poverty-stricken, malnourished, seriously ill, self-sacrificing, dry-as-dust farmer-widow who WEARS a SET of EARRINGS?? They're the little round type, granted, but...what am I missing here??

Another of Kathleen Hite's disappointing scripts (not helped by its cutesy title), after a number of really good ones back in Season 7.. LR.
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