Pop goes the pigeon
23 November 2021
Absolutely love classic film and have done for a long time. This is also one of my favourite genres and there has never been a bias against anything that's low budget. There are plenty of films actually that are low budget and are still good, same for films made quickly, have short lengths and not many well known names. But really it's my love for classic film and the genre that got me into watching 'The Clay Pigeon', not to mention that the plot sounded intriguing.

'The Clay Pigeon' turned out to be well executed in most areas. It is not one of the best films in the genre or of the decade (neither though expected, that would have been asking for too much in my view), and it is not perfect or completely lives up to the premise. It though is well made considering the budget and that it was made quickly, it also hardly wastes the potential it has. So if asked as to whether 'The Clay Pigeon' is recommended, my answer would be yes.

Good things are many. It is slickly and stylishly shot, with the noir-ish shadowy lighting adding to the mystery, in no way does it come over as cheap. The film is also directed at a crisp pace, even if not always in complete consistent control of the material. The music is haunting and doesn't come over as over-bearing or over-emphasised in mood.

On the most part, the script is leanly taut and smart. The story is mostly lively and suspenseful, as well as atmospheric. It has a great start as well as a nail-bitingly tense climax, while there is a moving scene with the mother's account of her son. Bill Williams and Barbara Hale are engaging leads and the supporting cast are more than able.

Do agree however that 'The Clay Pigeon' has too much going on in the story, especially in the latter stages that come over as over-stuffed and rushed. The film could have done with a longer length, 10-15 minutes longer so that parts could have gone into more depth, like the cops boarding of the train.

While liking the script on the whole, it did lose focus later and stretches credibility where things happen too much by chance and where things turn around too abruptly with no real warning. More could have been done to make the lead character more rootable, Williams plays him very well but the character himself can be on the obnoxious side.

In conclusion, pretty good. 7/10.
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