Gomer Pyle: USMC: A Child Shall Lead Them (1967)
Season 4, Episode 8
Foreign Relations
11 December 2021
This episode is kind of a continuation of the previous episode in that Gomer and Carter are still in Washington D. C. Gomer still wants to go sight-seeing like last episode and Carter being Carter is only interested in having a hot date with a hot female. When Gomer explains all the wonderful patriotic places they could go see together Carter rolls his eyes and gives a sarcastic answer. So much for all Marines being patriotic! Sgt. Carter is about as patriotic as a bowling pin! Actually, Carter is probably just as patriotic as anybody else, but his wanton lust seems to override his patriotism.

But before things really get started Gomer finds a little Japanese boy sitting on the curb. That's odd. Why is he there? World War II is over. Gomer tries to find out, but the boy doesn't speak English. Fortunately, Carter speaks fairly good Japanese. And he asks the boy where he lives. The boy gives an address and they grab a cab and take him there. Oops. It's not a house it's an amusement park! Now what? And that's the premise of the episode. They try to find out where the boy lives and comedy ensues.

I thought this was a cute episode. Not super funny, but it is amusing and cute. And I like the episodes where Gomer and Carter are away from the base. You know, Marines interacting with the real world, etc. I gave it a "7".
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