15 December 2021
You have the nerve to try and downgrade a father who had been trying to better himself and his son & their relationship. You couldn't clearly see that the grandmother in this case (Trey's mother's, mother) was a sabotage and obviously a control freak in this situation? Henry Gibson (the father) tried to make up for past mistakes and step up to the plate to better his bond with his son by giving him a car that he purchased for him (2000 Nissan Maxima) for you to in turn ask him if he had it taken to a mechanic to be checked out or had he had anyone look over the car or how was he sure that the car was ok to drive? HE GAVE HIS 16 YEAR OLD SON A VEHICLE!! Do you know how many children miss out on that benefit? Sometimes people (especially trying fathers) need credit for things that they do rather than being overlooked or unnoticed. I may have struck out while up to bat last inning but I can assure you that, that does not and will not determine wether or not I get a base hit or a home run/grand slam my next at bat. You need to learn how to be "neutral" and stop being an early conclusion FAKE.

Mr. Henry Gibson, Props to you sir for trying to do something for your son no matter what your past may be as some children never know what its like to ever have their father do anything for them at any point within their life. You were not treated right on that show and I will stand up for you any day of the week, hope the best for you and your son!

Sincerely, Kyler S. Key

T. H.,IN.
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