Review of The Probe

The Outer Limits: The Probe (1965)
Season 2, Episode 17
A hesitant microbe.
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A nice set-up: a plane caught in a storm crashes into the ocean, then its crew finds itself trapped in an unusual edifice.

"It's really something... but certainly not from OUR world."

Yeah, thanks. We kinda knew that already, Blondie. Besides, Jeff already mentioned five times earlier that you're all in an alien probe.

"Am I getting through to you?! Or are you all machine and no humanity???"

Hardly humanity, Blondie.

But I nitpick. Most of the dialogue in the latter half is decent. Some of the early dialogue is very typical of the 50s/60s sci-fi B-movies, while some of it is less pedestrian. It improves.

The pizza-monster blob is better than most TOL creatures. Hardly the pinnacle of special-effects artistry, but not nearly as unconvincing as many of the show's far goofier critters and aliens. The interior sets are also better than what we usually get in TOL.

Far less credible is the alleged space map, which merely looks like a photo or a drawing of a lunar landscape. How the producers believed that such a random Moon depiction would pass off as a map is mystifying. Maps aren't simple drawings.

The observation/conclusion by Jeff that the pizza blob is a microbe is an interesting idea, but it doesn't fly, not entirely at least. Its actions are way too intelligent to be such a low form of life. For one thing, it shows hesitation. How many hesitant microbes have we discovered so far on Earth? None, I'd venture to guess. "Star Trek's" crew (TOS) gave such blobs much more credit than that.

Typical low-rated episode i.e. One of the shows best. Because, and I never tire from repeating it: TOL fans rarely get it right. They praise the weakest episodes, misunderstand hence underrate the best ones.
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