14 January 2022
I had the honor and privilege to work on this project and had no idea how it would turn out after the editing and adding music. At the moment all I can say is...WOW! I read the story/script, heard and tried to understand the theme during the days I worked on set. However, after watching this... I get it.

First off, the editing (to me, a total novice) was beyond brilliant. Hours upon hours of film was used to create what I watched. The editing made the movie. I really don't have words to really explain how I felt watching as scene by scene Kai worked through all he was feeling.

The Shaman scene had chills running rampant and tears streaming from my eyes; but they were good tears and chills. I knew the scene would be there but didn't have a clue how it would work. The symbolism of what Kai's ancestors meant to him was what got me. I don't consider myself very spiritual but I felt it.

I loved the Celtic music and how it interspersed throughout the film to help tell the story of Kai's happy life diving into despair as he takes care of his cancer-ridden mother to being bullied at school. At times the music was very uplifting and filled my soul with peace; at others, sadness and pain.

The cinematography was magical. I watched how each scene was filmed and wondered how it would look. Now I know. Carson's use of the slow-motion action with the fire dance scene and the ending scene is, to me, genius. I just love how everything came together to create magic on the screen.

I would LOVE to see this on the big screen because I know it will have a huge impact on the audience and it deserves the big screen to allow the magic flow.
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