A documentary with an Identity!
5 February 2022
Up front I'll admit I was already a fan of X-Ray Spex from years back, and loved some of their tunes. Over the years I'd seen lots of references to the influcence that Poly Styrene had on the evolution of various strands of music in particular 'Grrrl Power' music from which there's been lots of great music.

So this documentary was one I was looking forward to, and much credit to the creators of this documentary they have created a mostly honest documentary that shows her life from beginning to end. Led & narrated by her daughter, it takes us through generations that were unique in the pre-internet days.

It mostly avoids hagiography although is partisan in its outlook on. The documentary fairly shows a warts 'n all side to her, as she made her mistakes as all do. This is no reality TV show with heartbreaking melodrama but a genuine story of a person, of an era and the good & bad that came through that Punk era.

She survived, but sadly is no longer with us.

Would I recommend this? To anyone who is interested in the Punk, Indie & New Wave alternative scenes, then I'd say very much "YES". It's no utopia but that's what makes it interesting.

As said, it will definitely be for those from a certain generation and also who share a love of the indie scene music. A great honest tribute to a very unique & interesting alternative artist.
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