Review of Tenet

Tenet (2020)
See it again!
23 February 2022
I saw it when it was released and been meaning to rewatch it for a long time (I first rated it a strong 7). Tonight I did. This is an absolute masterpiece. What they achieve in this movie is to cinema what the Burj Khalifa is to architecture. Actors in perfect chemistry. Practical effects that bring tangible realism to every scene, a score that becomes an additional actor, superb cinematography and set design, costume and locations are stunning. From the Amalfi coast to the opera house in Norway, all contribute splendor to the screen. The plot sure demands the best of your attention. This time, with the pause and rewind at my own discretion I made ample use of it to cross check chronology etc. And I so far haven't found anything I am not willing to suspend disbelief over. As it deals with physics in a similar way as Interstellar, with time being but a postulate and possibly malleable by the superior space time, then it goes without saying that we cannot truly predict and utterly trust physics in regards to it. Much like a black hole seem to defy physics. If you accept the theories of Interstellar and the tesseract being built by people in the future, then a smiliar scenario is true for tenet. This movie is, however, not to be seen as a tour de force of physics but more as philosophic doctrine. What happens if we can revert entropy? Is our conscience bound by the realm of physics or can it exist in its own bounds? If you watch this movie and not trying to hard to defy the physics but just immerse yourself in the philosophy of it then you might just invest less than three hours of your time and be remunerated with philosophical questions which transcend your temporal experience, just maybe. If you doubt it, spend an hour or so in researching entropy, space-time, singularity and some real ancient Taoism. Give it a shot.
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