Low-budgeted B-movie with chills, thrills and good but wasted cast
10 March 2022
Typical and run-of-the-mill monster movie in the Fifties style. Very mediocre terror movie with some scenes fun to watch . On a remote and deep location, in a South American jungle rubber plantation , a foreman called Barney Chavez (Raymond Burr) spends much time dodging working and visiting the boss' (Paul Cavanaugh) wife , Dina Van Gelder (Barbara Payton) , whom he tells he would like to take away from her husband. When her hubby , the chief Klass Von Gelder dies from suspicious circumstances Barney deceives his jealous lover Larina (Carol Varga) but the housemaid Larina Gisela Werbisek) uses weird magic to cast a spell on Barney , who's plagued by a strange voodoo curse . Barney starts transforming before his own eyes into a Gorilla and family physician Dr. Viet (Tom Conway) sees that the man is laboring under something he believes is poison . Then an enormous being on the loose begins to become evil and escapes around the lush jungle , killing here and there . When investigating the rampage of an ancient and mythological being called Sukara , local constable Taro (Lon Chaney, Jr.) realizes that Barney is missing at night coinciding with ravaging animal killings on the jungle and he and Dr. Viet work to get to the bottom of the mystery . Along the way, Barney suffers long lapses of memory loss, and continues to see himself as a Gorilla causing wreak havoc . Her clothes torn away, screaming in terror!.Her marriage vows were more than fulfilled!.A Blonde Beauty and a Savage Beast... alone in the Jungle!

Routine and regular monster movie about habitual issue concerning an enormous , unfriendly , stalking and very anger gorilla. This is a cheap , humdrum and monotonous production, written director Curt Siodmak himself , being spoiled by suffering from lousy interpretations and an embarrassing lack of imagination . Fakey special effects might have been decent in the Fifties or Sixties , but they just don't cut it today. T Here only stands out Raymond Burr who travels to jungle where he meets a wife , a plantation and a curse in this African twist on the werwolf legend , replacing him with a gorilla . In fact , there appears Lon Chaney Jr ,though he doesn't takes his Wolf Man usual role , but a local police officer on the trail a strange creature on the loose . Raymond Burr physical changes are amusing to watch , while turning nightly into a rampaging gorilla . And gorgeous Barbara Payton (who acted in important films as ¨Dallas¨, ¨Only the valiant¨, ¨Drums in the Deep South¨, ¨Kiss Tomorrow goodbye¨, ¨The Great Jesse James Raid¨) , she performed one of the saddest stories from dark chronicle Hollywood . Attractive blonde sexpot and her life eventually disintegrated , mostly for her own doings . She was the subject of a spread in Confidential Magazine in the early 1950s when then fiancé Franchot Tone allegedly caught in bed with Guy Madison . Tone later married her , despite of the indiscretion , in addition she had a tempestuous relationship with Tom Neal . But happened the downfall , her once enticing countenance now blotchy and once sensational figure now bloated , Barbara sank deeper into the bottle and had several brushes with law , among them public boozy , bad checks and ultimate prostitution . The 39 years former star was found on the bathroom floor . They're well accompanied by a nice secondary cast , such as : Tom Conway, Lon Chaney, Paul Cavanagh, Gisela Werbisek , Carol Varga and Woody Strode.

The motion picture was badly directed by exiled writer/filmmaker German Curt Siodmak . One of Siodmak's first film-writing assignments was the screenplay for the German sci-fi picture "Floating Platform 1 Does Not Answer", based on his own novel. Curt and brother Robert Siodmak started in the film business writing German inter-titles for Mack Sennett comedies. In 1928 he wrote scripts for movies for the first time; his idea for the script for People on Sunday (1930) constituted the first directorial success for his brother Robert Siodmak. Compelled to leave Germany after Adolf Hitler and the Nazis took power, Siodmak went to work as a screenwriter in England and then moved to Hollywood in 1937. He got a job at Universal through his director-friend Joe May, helping write the script for May's The Invisible Man Returns (1940) . It was at Universal where Siodmak became identified with science-fiction and horror; especially with movies like The invisible women (1940) and The wolf Man (1941). Landed a worldwide success with his novel "Donovan's Brain" in 1942, which was filmed four times over the next 20 years. Siodmak directed a few films such as : Ski Fever , The Devil's Messenger , Demon Street , Tales of Frankenstein , Love Slaves of the Amazons , Curucu, Beast of the Amazon, The magnetic monster. His final significant genre credit was for Terence Fisher's German production Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace . Bride of the Gorilla(1951) rating : 4.5/10 . Below average.
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