A trash movie whose only saving grace is its title
13 March 2022
Where do I even begin with this travesty of a film? I can't think of a single film as completely derivative, unoriginal and downright offensive as this movie ended up being. You'd think Hollywood would learn its lesson from the dozens of Demonic possession movies it projectile vomits out every year, but they keep making the same tired mistakes time and time again. This time, however, they really took the cake and ran with it! Picture this;

Creative team leader: "What if we made a demonic possession movie, threw in every single cliche about demonic possession into the movie, BUT...hear me out now... the demons try to exorcise....get this...GOD from a priest?!?"

*The Creative team stands up, a round of applause thundering around the conference table, while the leader imagines the accolades and awards this unthinkable idea will garner him.*

This movie literally does nothing original, and the one thing it tries to do (it's in the title) is so blatantly absurd that you have to wonder how this movie even made it off the drawing board. How does a movie like this get funding? How does it pass a writing team and actors? How does it escape focus groups that undoubtedly ripped it to shreds as it deserves to be? Not even Fresh Prince's Jeffrey could save this abomination. Seriously, this movie has every single tired and worn cliche about exorcism in it, even the kitchen sink of it all, the "hollow back" walk. It's like they didn't even try to do anything fresh, unique or original. They just wanted to pump out another useless possession movie to further sully the genre.

I swear, sometimes the people involved in these movies should really take a step back and ask themselves if this is the right thing to do. Like one of those life decisions that they will ask for forgiveness later on in life. Do they not care that their names are attached to garbage? Or are they that hard up for any work that gets spun their way?

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Not a single person should watch this movie. It's just awful. God forgive me for wasting and hour and half of my precious life that I could have used in a more constructive way.

Side note: I gave this movie one more star than it deserves simply because they bring up demonic influence in the Catholic church and how it has infected the Vatican. Let's shine a light on that in further movies in the sub genre, shall we?
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