After Love (2020)
Interesting emotionally thought provoking
14 March 2022
My Review- After Love My Rating 7 / 10. Streaming on SBS on Demand

I only watched this film to see Joanna Scanlan's BAFTA winning performance as Best Actress , which is very impressive but wouldn't have been my choice .

Joanna Scanlan plays Mary Hussain the wife of Ahmed a Muslim man who suddenly dies at the beginning of the movie .

Filmed in 2020 and Directed by Aleem Khan "After Love." is set in the port town of Dover in the South-East of England, Mary Hussain suddenly finds herself a widow following the unexpected death of her husband. A day after the burial, she discovers he has a secret just twenty-one miles across the English Channel in Calais.

I found the sequence of events that followed concerning Mary and her behaviour when she finds out about Ahmed's secret life 20 miles away across the English Channel in France very unusual to put it mildly.

No spoilers this is a very interesting film it may be the cultural differences and shock that cause Mary to leave home to investigate Ahmed's double life .

It certainly poses a lot of questions regarding her motives and the way she proceeds to intrude on the lives of Ahmed's French mistress Genevieve played by Nathalie Richard and his son Solomon played so well by Talid Ariss.

There are certainly unexpected consequences for all the characters in this movie I just thought the story could have been improved by a little more background into the characters for many films these days are either over padded and too long or the opposite not enough character development and too brief.

It's an interesting movie worth watching I'd be interested in other opinions after you see this film it really is thought provoking.
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