Anything But Christmas (2012 TV Movie)
Christmas chaos
15 March 2022
Absolutely love Christmas and have done for a long time, something that has been made clear many times over the years by me here. The idea for 'Anything but Christmas' didn't sound too bad, though it was clear that it was going to be more a drama than the romantic comedy or fantasy sort of Christmas film from as early on as hearing the not so positive title. Sergio Di Zio was great in 'Angels and Ornaments' and have always had a soft spot for Christopher Lloyd.

Unfortunately, 'Anything but Christmas' didn't work for me. It didn't strike me as a terrible film and there are definitely far worse Christmas films out there, but it is hard to warm to a film where the characters are hard to like, where the pessimism is taken too far and where the charm is too far and between. Really hate to sound like a humbug, which is in no way the intent or the want, but when it comes to meeting my criteria for Christmas films 'Anything but Christmas' doesn't meet most of it.

Di Zio does a good job and despite having a character that is over-negative he does bring some charm. Lloyd is always watchable and brings some suitably cantankerous vim to the film when needed even when a little more subdued to usual, just wish there was more.

The film looks nice, especially the scenery which is magical at its best. The music has moments where it is appropriately festive and nostalgic, despite it being emotionally one-dimensional (melancholic is the main mood). Really appreciated its well intended and sincere messaging too.

Elaine Hendrix however overdoes it in a role that is even more over-negative than Di Zio's. The rest of the supporting cast don't make much impression and are a mix of forgettable and annoying. Hendrix and Di Zio's chemistry doesn't ever properly ignite or grow, got the sense that they didn't seem to like each other much. Am going to have to agree with those that have talked about how unpleasant the characters are, not every film has to have likeable characters as a rule but it does depend on whether they still manage to be interesting and well developed and whether they are still meant to be rootable. None of the characters are interesting, all are flimsily developed and it is impossible for one to root for any character that has negative character traits taken to extremes. Hence what is meant when saying that 'Anything but Christmas' went too far on the pessimism, especially with Hendrix's character who never really develops and her selfishness is overdone which made her come over as obnoxious.

It is not a well written film too. The attempts at humour are very thin and not really that funny, mean-spirited in parts. The sentiment gets far too much, even for a drama meant to be sentimental, the anger directed at everybody is even more overboard, and the messaging could have been done with more subtlety. Motivations are too vague and in some cases unexplained, the lead character's reasoning for treating the others the way she does while being guilty of what she is berating them for herself is too in the air. The whole phobia of Christmas angle is actually a real life issue and was potentially relatable, again that was underdeveloped and the amount of times it's reiterated made it come over as heavy-handed too. The story can be silly (especially in the latter stages) with a too pat ending that didn't feel warranted and some dreary pacing, as well as showing a lack of charm, subtlety and a lighter touch was needed. The unpleasantness of the characters and the excessive negativity made it come over as mean-spirited in parts.

Overall, lacklustre. 4/10.
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