About Time (I) (2013)
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a huge admirer of Richard Curtis' work ever since I saw "Love Actually" and I really enjoyed "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and "Notting Hill" but in my opinion this his best work ever, if not the best film ever. It combines the heart and humour that was present in the aforementioned films with a stronger emotional core and more mature direction. Regardless of the fact that I'm trying I honestly believe that this is not a film you can describe with words, with the closest being perfect.

One of the most emotionally powerful movies ever, appreciating the beauty of everyday life and how every day is a blessing when it is spent with a loved one. This is perfectly acted by everyone involved, with the chemistry between Domhnall Gleeson and Rachel McAdams, and the performance by Bill Nighy standout.

So many films are about the highs and lows of being a superstar or superhero or something like that. "About Time" is a refreshing change from this as we follow Tim Lake as he discovers the highs and lows of regular human life in a beautiful journey of discovery. He discovers how beautiful life can be and we discover it with him.

This is perfectly complimented by the time travel which one would expect to remove the relatability of the character, but it magnificently amplifies it as we watch him discover no-win-scenarios and finally discover the beauty of life as it is, that it doesn't need adjusting or changing.

Finally, there is the romance, the centre of this film for most of its run time. It is the perfect child of a brilliant script, a relatable and realistic romance that is not interspersed with unbelievable scenarios or ridiculous love triangles, but just a real relationship. Yet it's also fantastically fictitious, with two characters who so perfectly match it feels unbelievable in all the best ways.

"About Time" is a heart-warming, emotionally impactful film that had me at tears at points, alongside pulling the biggest smiles I've ever had making what is my mind a perfect film.
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