Review of Scarecrows

Scarecrows (1988)
Effective B-thriller/chiller with supernatural elements , suspense, blood , gore and guts
24 March 2022
Mindless and acceptable horror thriller packed with chills , intrigue , terror and lots od interminable screams with no much sense . Including a large number of sinister scenes that usually are frightening and terrifying to spectator. Decent chiller about a gang of delinquents who hijack a plane to go to Mexico . One the the robbers flees and parachutes to a cornfield , then the others land on the location to find him . But there they are mercilessly pursued and massacred by various scarecrows . As they carry out a relentless criminal spree , an implacable slaughter on each person, one by one , with plenty of nighmarish scenes and extreme terror .

An intriguing and gory tale of terror and survival , the picture displays restless horror and great loads of screams , blood , guts and usual weird appearances by surprising scarecrows at a corrnfield , manifesting themselves with creepy threats , violent attacks , grisly murders and anything else . It is produced in limited but well used budget , including nicely recreated special effects , make-up enough and disturbing , shocking gore . The story begins little by little , but when the appearance of the eerie scarecrows takes place the films gets its adequate developing. The cast , though unknown , provides appropiate interpretations fitting to their funcional roles , such as : Ted Vernon, Michael Simms , David Campbell, Victoria Christian , BJ Turner . This Terror subgenre about Scarecrows has the best film titled "Dark night of the scarecrow" 1981 by Frank de Felitta with Charles Durning , Ernest Borgnine , Robert F Lyons , and others as "Scarecrow" 2013 by Sheldon Wilson with Lacey Charbet , Robin Dunne , " Children of corn" by Fritz Kiersch with Peter Horton , Linda Hamilton and its several sequels .

It contains a nice cinematography by Peter Deming, this cameraman has expanded a long and succesful cinematic career over thirty years . This Scarecrows 1988 is a passable terror movie being professionally written and directed by William Wesley . This director has made a few but acceptable short budget movies as Cinema as TV such as : Apolo Z , Monsters , Rout 666 and this Scarecrows at his best.
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