Meandering but very pleasant entertainment.
28 March 2022
"Doctor at Large" is the second in the British 'Doctor 'series. And, like the 50s installments of the series, this one stars Dirk Bogarde as Dr. Sparrow, a young doctor who is finally ready to leave the hospital and strike out on his own. Unfortunately for Sparrow, again and again, his placements turn out to be busts...such as one where he works with a country doctor but the doctor has a VERY frisky wife and another where he mostly works with rich, neurotic patients. Can he manage to find his place in the world or will the film end with yet another failed job?

Even more so than the other Doctor films, this one seems very episodic and occasionally funny. This isn't necessarily bad but the show has little in the way of obvious plot...it just meanders a bit until late in the story. Very pleasant and well worth your time...just like the other Doctor movies.
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