4.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
7 April 2022
Another childhood classic. I remember watching this film in the theaters, completely enamored by Peter Jackson's cinematic feat. I believe it was a couple days later that my mom came home with the King Kong video game for original Xbox, and I literally lost my mind. I was so excited to play this game, and this game did NOT let me down. Being able to play as Jack, you kill centipedes, scorpions, dinosaurs, and crabs, but you also get to play as Kong himself. The gameplay is so much fun; I actually ended up buying this game for my 360 a couple years ago just to replay the game again, and I was still impressed. I haven't played a lot of "Based on the motion picture" centric games, but this one has to be downright one of the best ever(although nostalgia could be a slight factor) Definitely recommended if you're a fan of King Kong.
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