Great amusement
23 April 2022
Despite being a huge Disney fan, 'Phineas and Ferb' was one of those shows before starting to watch where there was uncertainty as to whether it would be my cup of tea. Luckily, it turned out to be a major hit with me and my brother and sisters and very quickly we became addicted to it. Even if it is very formula-based, there are so many cool situations, quotes and songs and have always loved the characters and the theme song.

Both "Escape from Phineas Tower" and "The Remains of the Platypus" are truly great episodes. While preferring the premise for "Escape from Phineas Tower", with a catchier title and a cooler location, the more consistent episode in my mind was actually "The Remains of the Platypus". Which has a very morbid-sounding title but is actually a lot of wildly crazy fun and unique structurally for 'Phineas and Ferb'. Perry the Platypus fans, like me, will love it.

Animation is bright and colourful, with such vibrant colours that literally pop out at you and beautifully detailed backgrounds. The visuals in "Escape from Phineas Tower", especially when things get more chaotic, have some nice imagination. The music is in the style that is not usually my style of choice when listening to music, but it is very catchy and pleasant to listen to. The theme song is irresistible with a melody that sticks in the head for days without being an earworm and with very quotable lyrics. Some nice visuals accompanying it too.

Writing is witty and is accessible for children and adults alike, nothing is simplistic here while still being easy to understand. The pace is lively, with nothing feeling too manic (even when things get wacky) and the formula still has freshness thanks to the imagination of what the boys get up to. Absolutely loved the reverse time structure of "The Remains of the Platypus" which made it feel very different from the rest.

Phineas and Ferb are very appealing and plenty will find themselves in them if they are imaginative and constantly thinking of extraordinary things to do. Doofenschmirtz really shines in "The Remains of the Platypus" and Perry for me is one of those "can't get enough of" characters, the chemistry between the two of them is both tense and funny. The voice acting is great.

Only the slightly uninspired Doofenschmirtz subplot in "Escape from Phineas Tower" disappoints a little.

In summary though, great. 9/10.
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