Moon Knight: Gods and Monsters (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Predictably Underwhelming Finale
5 May 2022
I was tempted to give this episode a 6 or 7 but after thinking about it a little, this episode is quite frankly inexcusable. Marvel/Disney+ is really dropping the ball with these shows with a lack of committal to trying certain genres and their inability to break from the marvel formula is leaves an empty feeling after finishing each show. Moon Knight had some serious highs and it's on par with Wandavision and Loki for me, but it consistently switches between dark/gritty and fun kids show.

This episode was just generic boss battle with no emotional stakes at all, which is quite the letdown after two fantastic episodes (albeit with their own issues). The runtime was a whopping 35 something minutes, which just shows that this episode was set up to be underwhelming because the series didn't build suspense and stakes and therefore didn't need much time for the finale.

Marvel needs to stop trying to apply the boring marvel formula which works for popcorn movies, not TV. Build stakes and focus on character interactions. Let the CGI come when needed, not rely on it.

I was still entertained by the episode and the post credits scene was fantastic, but it predictably ended in a generic superhero battle in a bland location with no stakes.
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