This kind of shows must end
14 May 2022
After watching one of the best Korean TV shows "Coffee Prince" from 2007, I wanted to discover more Korean series like this with a lot of enthusiasm. Apart from some good ones like "Our beloved summer", the rest was all disappointing to the bone. There's too many wrongs in how they treat and portray women in the series to a point of them being bullied, mobbed by the main lead, being grabbed by the arm as he pleases, getting too close with no boundaries that I can't let go off my dislike and ignore these absolutely incorrect, toxic behaviour.

Coming back to this series, there's two leads who happen to have a one night stand (which is surprising for a Korean series as even normal couples are represented as very shy when it comes to intercourse and they start acting childish) and meet up several years later. The problem starts right in the beginning; the female character presented in the first episode changes dramatically when she starts her job. She is no longer this strong and affirmative woman anymore; rather she is extremely easy-going, acting as a people-pleaser, apologetic for no reason and easy to bend. Of course the male character is super rich and happens to be the son of the chairman of the company. He takes pleasure in bullying her, grabbing her by the arm and basically treats her like a dog on a lead by making her follow him here and there.

For the young women who are watching this: this behaviour is not okay. Do not think this is love or respect of any kind. If a man in power at work tries to bully you around or tries to get too close without respecting your boundaries, talk to a supervisor. Also in romantic relationships, no one should be treated like this, neither men nor women.

Lastly, there is no story at all, no character development as a result of some lazy irrelevant flashbacks and the scenes of the side characters can easily be removed. It is sad to see that nothing can come close to the success of "Coffee Prince" since 2007. This kind of series should come to an end and Korean TV should finally start creating "realistic" shows. No once acts like this in real life and please stop with these terrible kissing scenes. The actors look ridiculous when they press their lips against each other like robots without any head movement. Nobody kisses like that, people are not dolls! Learn from "Coffee Prince", do your homework!
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