Review of 2050

2050 (II) (2018)
Acting:5, directing:5, occasional flashes of insight:10
21 May 2022
I really struggled rating this one. I have a softspot for any nice cinematography set in New York City. Don't know why, have never been there. Just something so human and organic about that city.

As for acting: some really really bad, most slightly below average, and occasionally excellent. Same for directing.

The main companion robot was really good in her role. The others were fine. There was some unevenness in how the director saw their movements and expressions. Maybe he could explain it off as older and newer models. The companion to the main protagonist seemed more natural, but with a slight emptiness in the eyes. The other models felt very artificial.

And finally to what drags my rating way up to 7, which most wont agree with it deserving for good reasons. But I just had to give it some reward for a couple things it does very well.

It doesn't get too deep. It's not a complicated highly metaphysical issue. It's an issue we are currently facing, just in a different form. Devices. Loss of human contact and meaningful interaction. Inability to know how to interact.

On the flip side, they make the very valid point that we overcomplicate the meaning we give to sexual devices. Our social conditioning adds way too much subtext (you need the device or the roll play because Im not enough, you don't trust me enough, etc...).

Finally, there is a brilliant comment near the end (non-spoiler, it doesn't impact the outcome or story of the film). It involves releasing sterile insects into a population to help control or eradicate that population. A simple comment, but one the writers were brilliant to see and make the connection to sex bots.

So I don't want to over emphasize this film and say it's amazing. It's more of a film with a lot of lost potential. In the right hands, with the right director, and some cleaning up of the script and dialogue, it could be an excellent film. Not ground breaking, but good. But again, some people may find it too simplistic. I loved the simplicity.

And we certainly can't fault those who struggle to get through this film. They have good reason.

Last note: the ending dialogue is excellent, however, it ultimately ends flat.
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