The Batman (2022)
Nothing special - "All anybody cares about in this place is these WHITE privileged *ssholes"
22 May 2022
The reason I give it a 1 out of 10 is due to sneaking in the Critical Theory bs.

There is no logical reason for this in the dialogue, it doesn't exist in the Batman Universe.

I knew from the moment I saw the Black female Mayoral candidate (not even an older woman like would be realistic) they were going to sneak in this bs into the script.

Then Cat woman turns out to be Black and still I didn't mind all that, it really is the bs line about Racism that did it for me.

I hate these self absorbed writers pushing their political bs into the script.

The most ironic part is that outside of the USA, NOBODY CARES.

So they selfishly add something for no other reason than to push unfounded political bs.

The movie itself isn't even that bad, but it can't touch the Dark Knight.

It does turn characters that were portrayed pretty goofy in the older films as more realistic, but that is it.

I do think the Riddler in this is scary and intimidating, but he kind of falls flat like when Collin Farrell portrayed Bullseye.

Imagine if the script had momentous scene in it where Bruce Wayne starts preaching about healthy eating or telling some woman to not dress a certain way.

Movie would get ran into the ground... White Privilege... Critical Race Theory poisoning a fictional Universe... where this makes no sense.

The Entertainment Industry really needs to remove all these Narcissists.
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