George Carlin - Mort Sahl - Bill Hicks
25 May 2022
And sorta ended there... The Loyal Opposition. Now, we have nothing but groups. George Carlin was a social/political satirist in the tradition of Mort Sahl, who started it all.. Taking a humorous approach and using your skills to carefully examine the country in a literate way, on the diagnosis and to surprise the audience using irony, sarcasm, etc.. We really are living in an Orwellian period, because the terms "right" and "left" have no meaning, just like the many other redundant terms people use simply because it's trending. There's no left-wing in the US, and really hasn't been since the 1930s, but we still had artistic dissidents. Not anymore. Now they are bought off for so cheap to be salesmen (excuse me, salesPEOPLE - where people from ALL groups can be liars) and peddle whatever business USA Inc. Wants.. Carlin spent most of his time talking about political correctness and the damage it does by placating energies with symbolic nothing or promises.. As Ralph Nader said so wisely, "What do you win when you win?" but the conformity is so much now, that you can spot someone's one-party baloney from a mile away.

YouTube has the first time Carlin was on TV.. In fact, he was on "The Tonight Show" with Mort Sahl as host (they went with Johnny Carson) in 1962 and there were some great shows, including one that had a panel of women, discussing the modern woman, and the things they liked/disliked about men.

I urge people to check out the archives to get the full story of George Carlin. They conveniently leave certain things out, make cuts right before he's about to say he admired Castro (thanks to Jack Burns; it's in his book by Tony Hendra), but remember who's names are on the credits...

If you really want truth, go directly to the source -- George Carlin. It's all on YouTube, but unless it's packaged into a commodity, people will pass on an actual Carlin interview, but spend that time listening to a 3rd hand account, only because it's someone who is the flavor of the month in May of 2022.
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