6 June 2022
Very often people forget that movies could and should be two separate things. Some are entertainment, pure and simple, and some are art, trying to tell a story or make a statement about the world around us. It usually isn't that difficult to figure out what kind of a movie we want to watch. Even so, too often viewers who despair to be entertained at any cost complain about art movies. They are slow, boring, blah, blah, blah... That is always unfair and we and only we have a final decision what to watch. So, this is an art movie, raw and unraveling like the relentless passion of youth. Jerky camera moves, gray streets of an industrial city, innocent idealism that turns dark and dangerous. Fighting evil is a filthy business, nobody comes out of it unscathed. Perhaps that's the reason why there are so many onlookers and collaborators. Fear and cowardice, the twins of failure and missed opportunities.
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