Superpowers, good performances, decent script
7 June 2022
I have watched a few of the more _recent_ Bruce Willis films and they have generally been pretty poor; coupled with generic scripts. This one, in contrast, was good entertainment.

The only subpar performance was from Bruce Willis but we understand why now (re: his medical condition). His role in this film was limited through most of the film but picks up a bit toward the end (with some decent and rewarding writing).

I got pulled into this film for two reasons:

1. Superpowers!

2. A couple of other actors I recognized and whose work I've enjoyed... Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead) and Tom Cavanagh (The Flash). They did not disappoint.

A number of other fairly good performances highlight a fairly decent script.

If I have one major issue, it was with the role of Michael Rooker. His role required him to "sell" the parody aspect of this film. All the other scenes (a few still parody-like), leaned toward more serious story-telling (my preference) and then segued into comical parody during the Rooker scenes (which I did not like).

Overall, this film is probably a 6/6+... but within the superhero genre specifically (when you take _everything_ into account) - it is clear 7. I happen to think it hit more checkmarks than most and rate it an 8 and would certainly watch this again.
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