Review of Medusa

Medusa (1973)
The audience who went to see this movie initially didn't stay because they liked it. They stayed because they fell asleep.
9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Hamilton the Greek" is an excruciatingly dull crime drama focusing on excruciatingly dull people who should be exciting based on what's going on in their life. Well, it's life for everybody but George Hamilton who is discovered dead in the opening scene and comes back to life through some truly tedious flashbacks. Obviously American actors will do anything for a free trip plus salary to exotic places, including appear in an excruciatingly bad film, and along with Cameron Mitchell (then on a downswing so it's understanding why he took the job) and Luciana Paluzzi, struggles to make it through a messy story where even the action scenes don't keep the audience awake.

I was expecting so much more after the great credit that showed a statue of medusa, and as it has been noted, this great set film has nothing to do with the gorgon of mythological fame, even as a metaphor. After a while, the bazookie music becomes tedious and the great location footage becomes all the audience really has to hang on to. Mitchell spends most of the film yelling at Hamilton over money that he stole from him that wasn't his to begin with, and the situation involving a murder is underdeveloped. I did my best to stick with it, but like the soldiers whom Medusa turned to stone, I just sat there expressionless. There's a reason why forgotten movies like this end up in discount multi packs on DVD. Nobody researching it would buy it any other way.
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